1. University of Cape Town(UCT)
UCT has a proud tradition of academic excellence and effecting social change and development through its pioneering scholarship, faculty and students.
It is also renowned for its striking beauty, with its campus located at the foot of Table Mountain's Devil's Peak, with panoramic views of much of Cape Town.
UCT is very similar to the city of Cape Town: it has a vibrant, cosmopolitan community. It is a cultural melting pot where each person contributes their unique blend of knowledge and thinking. Our staff and students come from over 100 countries in Africa and the rest of the world. The university has also built links, partnerships and exchange agreements with leading African and international institutions that further enrich the academic, social and cultural diversity of our campus.
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2. Wits University
The University of the Witwatersrand is an internationally
leading research-intensive university located in Africa. The University intends
further to amplify its international reputation as a gateway and beacon for
leading-edge research and intellectual achievement in Africa. Wits supports
principles of intellectual elitism and achievement
regardless of the cultural background, social class and national identity of
its students, staff, partners, guests, and stakeholders at large. The legacy of
the University’s successes is founded on values that we are not willing to
compromise on. The mission of the University of the Witwatersrand is to grow
its global stature as a leading research-intensive university and a gateway to
research engagement and intellectual achievement in Africa. This it will
achieve by building on the principles of intellectual excellence, international
competitiveness and local relevance.
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To be a leading research‐intensive university in Africa, recognised internationally for its quality, relevance and impact, as also for developing people, creating knowledge and making a difference locally and globally. In pursuing recognition and excellence in its core functions of research, teaching and learning, and integrating engagement with society and communities into these, the University of Pretoria will use quality, relevance, diversity and sustainability as its navigational markers. The University of Pretoria has its origins in the establishment of the Pretoria Centre of the Transvaal University College in 1908. The colloquial name of the university, Tuks or Tukkies, was derived from the acronym of the college – TUC.
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Stellenbosch University strives to make a contribution to
society at large, through teaching. Excellence is the underlying value in all
undergraduate and postgraduate learning and teaching programmes at the
University. One of the building blocks for
the realisation of the University’s vision in the field of learning and
teaching is the commitment of Stellenbosch University to actively move towards
the creation of a student-centred learning and
teaching environment. In other words, learning is central to
the teaching process and serves as point of departure for the University’s
organisation of teaching and learning. Within student-centred university
education, the “transferring knowledge” approach makes way for “teaching
activities that facilitate learning” and the focus is on the nature, quantity
and quality of learning that takes place.
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Welcome to Rhodes University, a 104-year old institution with a well-established reputation for academic excellence. Located in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa, Rhodes is a small university which enjoys the distinction of having among the best undergraduate pass and graduation rates in South Africa, outstanding postgraduate success rates, and the best research output per academic staff member. This is testimony to the quality of students that Rhodes attracts and of academic provision, and to the commitment of Rhodes staff to student development and success. Of our 6 000 students, 24% are postgraduates and 25% are international students from 57 countries around the world, making Rhodes a dynamic and cosmopolitan knowledge institution. Students are able to undertake an extensive range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the faculties of Humanities, Science, Commerce, Pharmacy, Law and Education. With the most favourable academic staff to student ratio among South African universities, Rhodes students are guaranteed easy access to academics and close supervision.
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